Friday, August 14, 2009

Why such a Big Deal?

It really bothers me that people are bothered about me wearing "that thing on my head". That thing on my head is properly called a Hijab. In my opinion, there is nothing negative about a hijab. Many people have worn their own type of hijab and many still are today. Mary and other biblical figures wore a form of "hijab". Nuns wear certain clothes, dress modest and wear a form of "hijab". No one looks at a nun crazy or as being oppressed, so why do they look at muslimahs crazy and oppressed?

A hijab does not change the person underneath it, it just changes their physical appearance. I know it will take some getting used to for my family, friends and teachers, but why is it such a big deal? I will still be the silly, fun loving, smart, friendly girl that I was when people met me. I don't understand why others can't see that.

If you think about it, a hijab has the same effect as if I got in a car accident and lost a leg, if I was burned in a house fire, or if I dyed my hair pink or something. I am physically and somewhat mentally and emotionally changed, but it doesn't take away from the wonderful person that I am on the inside and the wonderful friend I've been for years. A hijab doesn't take away from my talents in art, poetry, computers or music. Hijab doesn't take away my goals and my passion in life to succeed. So why is it so controversial?

-- B. Alula [a proud hijabi]

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