Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramadan && Minor Set back

I haven't posted in a few days because I was moving in and preparing for school. I'm finally here, Alhamdulillah! I start classes tomorrow. Ramadan has been a tiny challenge for me because I love to eat and I'm an emotional eater, so during the day there's a lot on my mind, and I want to eat, but insha'allah I have been managing and Allah will make it easy for me.

Before school my hijabs were taken from me, due to people's personal feelings about them and about me wearing them at school. I am broken, but not destroyed. I will still be a proud modest Muslim, minus my hijabs. It's just a minor set back, it won't stop me from praying, fasting and so forth, I'll just have to replace them when I get some money. Without my hijabs, it does kind of alter the depth of my blogs though because I was looking forward to sharing my experience on campus with my hijabs with my readers.

I might not be writing as often, but keep checking in!

--B. Alula


  1. Some one TOOK ur hijabs away? what kind of anfksfnkjndfnc!! dont worry sis, people are just afraid of what they do not know, but instead of being educated or seeking education they rather run blind! and ur right it wont stop u from praying and fasting and so forth, not to mention hijab is worn in the heart by the actions the speech and the intention before its on ur head so inshaallah allah will still accept ur intention! AMEEN. dont let these people set u back, ur still the same person, and we werent placed here to please any one! :D stay strong sis. Salaamaualikum!
