Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Today my mother sat me down for a serious talk about my decision to convert to Islam. She asked me was I really, honestly ready to be discriminated against and be a part of the minority on campus. She asked me if I was ready to lose my "friends"?

I have thought about all of these things, and I am ready. I feel as though I'm already discriminated against everyday because I'm black, I'm young, and I'm a female. So I'm sure you're thinking, being black is hard enough, why chose to be Muslim on top of that? Because I don't care! I have never cared what others have thought about me. People and friends come and go everyday and their opinions will stay the same regardless of my race, religion or sex, that's the sad truth about America. For this country to be so free, it's the most one minded and judgemental country and it angers me so much. I was born different and I will always be different, that is just me, and I'm proud of that.

If I lose friends, family members, and positions than so be it. These people obviously are one minded and they weren't real with me to begin with. No one should stop speaking to me because of my religion. I am the same person they met and got to know and become friends with way before I discovered Islam, just more mature and religious. I am the same little girl that they were praying for in the hospital 20 years ago to have a chance at life and to make it through my heart surgeries. I am the same co-worker, student, classmate and club member. Islam has not changed who I am in any negative way. I just look, speak, and act differently than I used to and in reality, no matter what religion, I was a sinner! I have nothing against Christianity, I tried Christianity, it just wasn't for me and that is my personal right and decision as a human being!

I should not have to chose between Allah, my family or my friends. My only choice should be Allah. In the end, it will be no one but he and I. My "friends" won't be there, my "family" won't be there, just I. I have to make decisions for myself and my faith and my happiness! If I was christian, my family would never question me and my decision. They would never make me chose between God and others, he would be the only answer. So I stand firm to my faith and my belief, even if I stand alone and I chose, ALLAH!

Subhan wa ta 'ala; Allahu akbar!!

-- B. Alula

1 comment:

  1. This is a good post, ur right...the only thing that matters is how u feel about it. POWER TO THE MUSLIMAHS lol...
