Friday, May 21, 2010

The Light

Asalaamu alaikum! It's been a while, but Insha'allah with all this time I seem to have on my hands this summer, I will be able to post more. Back in March I was lucky enough to see my cousin Rasheedah. She is the only Muslim relative i have and she was so happy to hear that i converted to islam. She was only in town for the day, but she was very excited to teach me all that I need to know about Islam because as of lately I had been a little lost and lonely not having someone to talk to about the deen and teach me more. Rasheedah has truly been my light and an inspiration. She gives it to me straight and tells me all that I need to know and where to find it. Since talking to her I feel more knowledgeable and adamant about the deen. Insha'allah I will get to visit her summer so she can take me to the classes she teaches, visit her mosque and mingle with more Muslims, because I feel very lonely and left out in Winston-Salem. Pray for me!

1 comment:

  1. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah Ukhti, masha Allaah. The deen can get pretty lonesome from time to time ..especially if you dont have the right muslims around you ...or any at all. But, you know shaytan is our biggest enemy in which he would like to see nothing but for us to feel lonely...sad or depressed he will try his best to make us believe that we are alone ...which in fact we truly are not.

    So...hang in there...because there is nothing ...better this the deen of Al-Islaam, Alhamdulliaah!

    May Allaah perserve us all with the highest of Eemaan, keep the zeal of this beautiful deen in our hearts and make our affairs one of ease. Aameen

    Take care. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah (smiles)
