Sunday, May 23, 2010


Question's I'm frequently asked; along with some random info. Enjoy!

Are you with the Nation of Islam?
- No.

What kind of Muslim are you?

Were you born Muslim?
-No, I converted my sophomore year of college. (almost a year ago)

What make you convert to Islam?
- We talked about Islam in my African American Studies class and I read into it further.

Do you like being Muslim?

How does your family feel about it?
-I have very limited support from my family.

Is it easy converting?
-It was quite challenging for me due to my support system. I had to make a lot of life changes and I studied all day, every day because this was really something I had my heart set on.

Do you worship a different God?
-No. Allah is God, the one and only.

Do you believe in Jesus?
-Yes, I believe and respect Jesus, as a prophet.

Do you hate Christians?
-No. We just have different beliefs.

Do you go to mosque?
-I have not been yet. Insha'allah, I hope to go soon.

Do you speak Arabic?
-Not fluently. I know a lot of basic words and phrases, but Insha'allah I am looking to learn how to speak Arabic.

Do you pray five times a day?

Was it hard giving up Pork?
-No. I eat more pasta and veggies than anything, but I didn't notice how many things I was eating that had pork in it.

Do you wear a hijab?
-I do. I will admit that lately I have not. I made a decision to go natural and I have been attending a lot of events with my family and they aren't accepting my hijab.. so to prevent conflict, I have been hijab-less.

What is the hardest part about being a Muslim?
-For me, it was going against my family and changing a lot of my old habits. It is still a struggle to this day, but I am fighting to stay strong.

Are you treated differently?
-Yes. I get a lot of stares, people don't want to be seen with me in public, people ignore me, I was even denied an application (smh).. but it's all good.

What do you enjoy about being a Muslim?
-I enjoy the support system I get from a lot of other Muslims. I just feel like I'm a part of a big loving family. I'm not told several different things from several different people confusing me, I don't feel judged, I just feel free!

**any other questions, feel free to post them**


  1. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu...ukhti Alula . Alhamdulliaah!!!! to the video above. I found your blog from veiwing college curlies in which I follow also...And I must mention I am a natural sister as well, Alhamdulliaah. While viewing that page I spotted this picture of a beautiful hijabi, masha Allaah. I just had to send the salaams.

    Great blog btw which I plan to follow, insha Allaah. Keep up the great work !

    I invite you uhkti to visit my natural hair blog as well, insha Allaah...

    Take care, As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah
    ( smiles)

  2. Wa Alaikum assalaam ukhti! Allahu Akbar, I love that video! Awesome, Alhamdulliaah! I've only been natural for a few months so i'm looking into new things to try for my hair. Shukran!! I am following yours now.

    As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah
